Get Started
How myCommunity BC works
Together we map places and resources that are inclusive, value diversity, and are welcoming of everyone.
myCommunity BC is an online map designed for you to:
- discover inclusive places and opportunities in your community
- add to and recommend inclusive places and opportunities in your community
- create and add to your own personal map
The more people add to and recommend places, the more there will be to explore on the map.
We respectfully acknowledge BC as the traditional territory of Indigenous Peoples and 203 First Nations.
What gets mapped?
We are interested in mapping family friendly places and opportunities in your community that fit the following myCommunity BC criteria:
An INCLUSIVE community place is welcoming and respectful of all people, accessible, safe, culturally sensitive, and provides opportunity for social connection.
This is the icon some communities are using to represent an inclusive place that is welcoming of diversity.
Disclaimer- myCommunity BC is a family friendly map. It is based on people’s experiences of the places and spaces in their community. Not every place will be for every person. All suggested places are subject to approval.
How to get started
- Click on the "Explore Your Community" button on the home page and zoom in on the community you want to explore. The map will default to your location. For most accurate location, click on the "allow" button to all myCommunity BC to know your exact location. Additionly, if you create your own account, you can set up your default location in your profile.
- Places in your area will appear as pins on the map and will also be listed to the left of the map. Tap on the pin that interests you to learn more about what makes that place inclusive and how to get connected.
- Want to create your own customized map with favourite places you like to go? myCommunity BC is also a tool to build your own personal map of the places important to you. These could be places you already go to, or places you want to visit in the future. To build your own map, create an account (or login to your existing account). You will then see a new "My Places" tab on the map screen.
- Want to suggest an inclusive place to add to the map?
- Click on the "Add a Place" button on the map.
- Choose a category that BEST fits the place you are mapping.
- Fill in details to the best of your ability. If you don't know the information being asked just leave it blank. The most important part to fill out is the name of the place and what makes it inclusive.
- You can choose whether to add to your personal map or suggest a place for the public map by selecting "Personal" or "Public" on the place submission form. Personal places will appear on your personal map right away. Public places will be submitted for approval by our administrator before appearing on the public map.
When suggesting a place for the myCommunity BC map you will be asked about:
- Is this place a calm and peaceful spot?
- Is this place
wheelchair accessible? This is asking about physical accessibility for people who use wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
- Is this place a spot to meet new people? This is asking about the chance to meet and get to know new people in your community.
- Does this place cost money or is it free to participate?
- Is this place a fun and lively spot? This is asking about opportunities for fun and
social connection.
- Is this place welcoming of diversity? This is asking about whether people with different backgrounds and abilities feel welcome and included.
myCommunity BC is organized by the following categories and icons:
Health and Dental
This category is for health/dental related places like a lab, clinic or medical office that are particularly inclusive and accessible. For example- A dentist in your community that really understands how to work respectfully with people of all diverse abilities.
This category is for places where people go to learn new things like school, university, community courses or classes. For example- A cooking class at the local college that is inclusive and welcoming to all.
Food and Drink
This category includes places in community to enjoy food/drink such as restaurants, coffee shops, pubs. For example- An accessible and affordable coffeehouse or pub where people feel welcome to go, hang-out, and meet up with friends and/or meet new people.
This category is for accessible and welcoming ways to get around your community. For example- A taxi company or transit line that is especially sensitive and accommodating of diversity.
Arts and Culture
This category includes those places in community that provide inclusive opportunities for all people to enjoy and/participate in art and culture. For example- A regular drop-in art studio that is open and welcoming to all people, or a local cultural association that hosts community potlucks.
This category represents inclusive opportunities to enjoy and/or participate in local entertainment in your community. Examples include- A monthly drumming circle held at the church, music bingo at the local pub on Monday nights, or Karaoke nights at Boston Pizza
This category represents inclusive opportunities to contribute and give back to your community.
Community Centres
This category represents important gathering places for people to get connected and/or share information and resources. Some examples include- your local library, Neighborhood House, or Friendship Centre
This category represents places of worship in the community that is open and welcoming of all people regardless of their faith. For example- a church that hosts social gatherings for people to meet and connect with others in their neighbourhood.
This category includes places in community where all people can enjoy recreational opportunities together. For example- a recreation center that offers classes such as yoga or Zumba, that are open and accessible for anyone to participate.
This category includes places in community we go to shop that pay extra attention to accessibility and inclusion. For example- a grocery store with accessible isles that is an inclusive employer.
Nature, Parks and Outdoor Activities
This category includes outdoor places that provide opportunity for everyone to enjoy time in nature. For example- a wheelchair accessible beach or multi-sensory playground.
Meet-ups and Clubs
This category is about places that provide opportunities for people to connect and share common interests. For example- a gaming club that is open and inclusive of anyone who wants to join.
Housing and Shelter
This category includes examples and opportunities of inclusive housing. For example- A co-housing community or apartment complex that offers affordable housing units in a neighborhood that is accessible to transit and shopping centers.
This category represents financial institutions that have gone above and beyond to ensure all customers are treated equally and with respect.
Many of the icons used for myCommunity BC were designed by Green Map, an international non-profit working with 65 countries around the world to map local assets and gifts.
Some people are recognizing their community by giving out stickers with this icon to illustrate inclusive and welcoming places in community that fit the myCommunity BC criteria.
For more information and to get involved contact the BC Community Asset Mapping Network visit